125 research outputs found

    The origin of infra-slow oscillations of oxygenated hemoglobin observed in functional near-infrared spectroscopy

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    There is increasing interest in the intrinsic activity of the resting brain, especially the activity slower than 0.1Hz (i.e., low-frequency oscillations, or LFOs). To investigate the origin of LFOs observed in functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), we recorded multichannel fNIRS and electroencephalography (EEG) from the frontal cortex of 11 healthy young volunteers in the resting state. Electrocardiography (ECG), electro-oculography and respiration were also measured. Synchronous oscillations of oxy-hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) around 1.0Hz were detected in all fNIRS channels, and their frequency was consistent with a peak frequency of ECG, suggesting the changes of cerebral blood flow due to heart beats. In addition, oxy-Hb oscillations around 0.1Hz (i.e., LFOs) appeared in the fNIRS. The channels where LFOs appeared differed among the subjects, and the LFOs appeared or disappeared even in the same fNIRS channels. The appearance of LFOs in fNIRS channels was significantly higher when the LFOs appeared on the EEG in the adjacent EEG electrodes compared to when LFOs did not appear on EEG. The amplitude and coherence (synchronicity) of the LFOs were increased by changing the subjects' position from dorsal to the sitting position in both fNIRS and EEG, and the coherence in particular was increased in the homologous fNIRS channels on the bilateral hemispheres. These results suggest that LFOs of oxy-Hb couple with resting-state EEG activity

    A看護系大学卒業生におけるリカレント教育に対する学習ニーズ : Institutional Research (IR) からの分析

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    High-resolution genome-wide cytosine methylation profiling with simultaneous copy number analysis and optimization for limited cell numbers

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    Many genome-wide assays involve the generation of a subset (or representation) of the genome following restriction enzyme digestion. The use of enzymes sensitive to cytosine methylation allows high-throughput analysis of this epigenetic regulatory process. We show that the use of a dual-adapter approach allows us to generate genomic representations that includes fragments of <200 bp in size, previously not possible when using the standard approach of using a single adapter. By expanding the representation to smaller fragments using HpaII or MspI, we increase the representation by these isoschizomers to more than 1.32 million loci in the human genome, representing 98.5% of CpG islands and 91.1% of refSeq promoters. This advance allows the development of a new, high-resolution version of our HpaII-tiny fragment Enrichment by Ligation-mediated PCR (HELP) assay to study cytosine methylation. We also show that the MspI representation generates information about copy-number variation, that the assay can be used on as little as 10 ng of DNA and that massively parallel sequencing can be used as an alternative to microarrays to read the output of the assay, making this a powerful discovery platform for studies of genomic and epigenomic abnormalities

    学生の授業経験・学習態度や能力・知識の獲得状況からみたA大学における看護教育の現状 : 2017年度IRコンソーシアム標準調査から

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    A大学では,大学IRコンソーシアムの正会員となり,ベンチマーク可能な標準調査として位置づけられた学生生活調査を全学生に行い,教学IR(Institutional Research)の取組を推進している。今回の目的は、学生の授業経験・学習態度や能力・知識の獲得状況からA大学における看護教育の現状を明らかにすることを目的とした。また,その結果をIRコンソーシアムの基礎集計結果と比較し,A大学の特徴について検討する。回答のあった307票(協力率91.4%)について分析した結果,A大学看護学科の現状や大学IRコンソーシアム結果の比較から,次のことが特徴と考えられた。■全ての学年で主体的に学び,看護に役立つ知識やスキルを学ぶ授業を経験している。■ TAやSAの活用は難しい現状にあるが,教員が添削やコメントなど丁寧な授業運営を行っている。■授業態度は悪くはないが,各学年に一定程度の欠席,遅刻,居眠りはある。■能力・知識の多くを学年進行に伴って獲得しているが,外国語や数理的な能力・知識は増えていない。■授業態度が良く,能力・知識が増えた者は成績順位上位者である。我が国においては,看護教育の質評価・質保証に必要な資源(人・設備・費用)等,これから体制整備がされていく状況にあるが,IR機能に着目し,教育の質を客観的に保証するとともに,更なる教育改善の方策を見出すことが重要である

    A case of type B aortic dissection in 6 days postpartum

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    今回我々は産褥6日目にStanford B型大動脈解離を発症した1例を経験したので若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。症例は42歳、4経妊3経産、尿路結石の既往歴あり、Marfan症候群の家族歴なし。第4子妊娠管理中の血圧は100-130/50-70mmHg であった。妊娠40週3日に自然陣痛発来し、3370g の児をApgar score 8点で経腟分娩した。産褥6日目就寝中に突然腰背部痛をきたし救急車で前医受診。腎結石を疑い、当院泌尿器科受診したが水腎症を認めず、当科紹介受診。造影CT でStanford B型大動脈解離と診断、保存的加療を行い、20日後退院した。Marfan 症候群合併妊婦は妊娠中、産褥期に大動脈解離の発症リスクが高いことが知られている。しかし、本症例のような大動脈解離発症リスクを持たない妊婦も、妊娠中・産褥期の腰背部痛の原因として大動脈解離を鑑別診断することは必要である。雑誌掲載論


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    Widespread Hypomethylation Occurs Early and Synergizes with Gene Amplification during Esophageal Carcinogenesis

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    Although a combination of genomic and epigenetic alterations are implicated in the multistep transformation of normal squamous esophageal epithelium to Barrett esophagus, dysplasia, and adenocarcinoma, the combinatorial effect of these changes is unknown. By integrating genome-wide DNA methylation, copy number, and transcriptomic datasets obtained from endoscopic biopsies of neoplastic progression within the same individual, we are uniquely able to define the molecular events associated progression of Barrett esophagus. We find that the previously reported global hypomethylation phenomenon in cancer has its origins at the earliest stages of epithelial carcinogenesis. Promoter hypomethylation synergizes with gene amplification and leads to significant upregulation of a chr4q21 chemokine cluster and other transcripts during Barrett neoplasia. In contrast, gene-specific hypermethylation is observed at a restricted number of loci and, in combination with hemi-allelic deletions, leads to downregulatation of selected transcripts during multistep progression. We also observe that epigenetic regulation during epithelial carcinogenesis is not restricted to traditionally defined “CpG islands,” but may also occur through a mechanism of differential methylation outside of these regions. Finally, validation of novel upregulated targets (CXCL1 and 3, GATA6, and DMBT1) in a larger independent panel of samples confirms the utility of integrative analysis in cancer biomarker discovery